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Financial Services: Your Guide to Going Digital!


Table of Contents:
Going Digital in Finance: Making Money Easier!
Why do we need it?
Key Technologies Driving Transformation
How Sphere IT Makes Big Changes!
Going Digital: Challenges


The world of finance is evolving like never before! To satisfy client demands and remain relevant, banks and other financial institutions must keep up the pace. Whether it is managing your money, making payments, checking accounts with just a few taps on your phone or getting personalised advice from a smart app, the demand for simple and personalised digital services is higher than ever before. In this blog, we will explore new tools that can change the way you work. We will discuss what “going digital” really means, why it is important, and some possible challenges on the way.  Most importantly, we’ll provide some effective strategies to help your digital transformation succeed!

Going Digital in Finance: Making Money Easier!

Digital transformation in financial services, in simple terms, means using new technology to make banks and other financial companies work better, simpler and quicker to help their customers.

Why do we need it?


Enhancing Customer ExperienceCustomers can check accounts or pay bills with just a few taps on their phones—much simpler than visiting a branch!
Streamlining OperationsTo make the bank’s internal work smoother and faster. Digital transformation uses technology to find information quickly, instead of searching through piles of paper.
Managing RisksUsing advanced software can help in finding out suspicious activities, to keep customers’ money safe.

Key Technologies Driving Transformation

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI helps with spotting frauds, talking to customers (like chatbots), and giving personalised advice on money matters. It’s like having a smart assistant that helps banks do things better and faster.
  • Blockchain: Blockchain makes transactions safer and faster by keeping them secure and clear. It’s like having a special lockbox that nobody can open except the people who need to.
  • Big Data and Analytics: Big data means having lots of information. Banks use it to understand customers better and manage risks. It’s like having a treasure map that helps banks find hidden treasures and avoid dangers.
  • Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is like having a big, safe storage space online. It helps banks store data securely and work faster. It’s like having a magical storage room where everything is organised and easy to find.

How Sphere IT Makes Big Changes!

A leading agile software development company, having a presence in UAE, USA and India, Sphere IT is transforming the digital transformation by providing solutions like technical resources, digitalization, software service etc.

  • Sphere IT helps identify and close skill gaps by hiring Technical resources for banks. 
  • The bank can leverage a diverse and skilled workforce, reducing the time and cost associated with hiring and training new employees.
  • Sphere IT’s approach is designed to deliver both immediate and long-term benefits, helping banks not only meet their current business volumes but also prepare for future needs. 
  • Sphere IT gives access to 175+ qualified personnel in various technologies from the Middle East, USA, and India.

Going Digital: Challenges

While the benefits of going digital are vast, financial institutions must navigate several challenges along the way.


Old vs. New SystemsOlder systems may not integrate well with new technology. For example, an older banking system might struggle to process transactions in real time or support mobile banking features.Implement strategies to ensure seamless integration. A bank might use middleware to connect its legacy mainframe system with a new mobile banking app, ensuring customers can access real-time information without overhauling the entire infrastructure.
Data Security and PrivacyProtecting sensitive financial data from hackers and breaches. For instance, as banks move to cloud-based solutions, the risk of data breaches can increase if not properly managed.Banks need to take security very seriously and follow strict rules to keep your data private. They must ensure that your money and personal information are safe. Banks are using advanced technology to keep your money safe. They’re adding features like fingerprint or face scanning to their apps as this makes it much harder for hackers to steal your money, even if they know your password. It’s like adding an extra lock to your bank account. It’s like scrambling your information into a secret code. This extra layer of protection keeps your money safe.
Learning New SkillsA shortage of skilled professionals can hinder transformation. For example, to bring updated and newer tech into the systems, it is important for banks to enhance the knowledge or skill set of existing employees. Each time, banks can not find enough data scientists or cybersecurity experts to support their new digital initiatives.Provide ongoing training and hire skilled professionals. A bank could partner with a technology training provider to offer courses on the latest cybersecurity practices, ensuring its IT staff stays up-to-date. Additionally, hiring external experts or consulting firms like Sphere IT can fill immediate skill gaps while internal staff are trained



Remember, the world of finance is changing fast! We talked about how using digital tools can give your bank or any financial organisation a big edge. Going digital makes your bank more attractive to customers who want things fast and easy. Digital tools can help you meet all the latest regulations and keep your bank safe. Key technologies driving this change include AI for fraud detection and customer service, blockchain for secure transactions, big data for insights, and cloud computing for efficient data storage.  Sphere IT plays a pivotal role in this transformation by providing skilled IT resources and innovative solutions. 

For inquiries and consultations, and to discuss how your bank thrives in the digital age, reach out to Sphere IT( or contact +97142853268 or send an email to

Top 6 Banking Experiences You Will See in 2024


Table of Contents:
Trend 1: AI For Customer Experience
Trend 2: Real-Time Solutions
Trend 3: Companies Enhancing Banking Customer Experience
Trend 4: Digital Banking Solutions
Trend 5: Cybersecurity
Trend 6: Emotional Engagement in Banking



In today’s digital world, customer experience is a prominent factor for banks to consider for running a smooth business and keeping people satisfied. 

With so many banking options available, banks need to focus on trends that make banking easy and most importantly pleasant for customers. Using technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), banks can improve Customer Experience (CX) which helps them offer personalised services by analysing how customers spend and save money. For example, if Sunil travels a lot, the bank might suggest a travel credit card to him. If he is saving for a house, the bank could offer a special loan. This way, AI also helps banks spot unusual activity in accounts to protect against fraud. 

Let’s understand how banks can create a more positive experience for their customers by following some of these hot trends.

Trend 1: AI For Customer Experience

This technology allows banks to offer services and products that are designed specifically for the needs of each person. With the help of AI, they can look at the customer’s spending and saving habits to suggest personalised products. For instance, if you travel frequently and love to explore places around the world, then the bank can offer you credit cards or travel gifts. AI helps banks review the transaction history of their customers; for instance, if you are saving for an investment property, the bank may offer a loan at a discounted interest rate. Not just that, with the help of AI, banks can monitor unusual activity in customer’s accounts. So if there are large withdrawals or purchases from any particular account, the bank can alert the customer immediately.

Trend 2: Real-Time Solutions

This is the time when customers expect their bank to know about their choices and preferences. So, the banks are now tracking down their current activities, e.g., details of the bank balance while shopping etc. Based on this, the bank can give the customer a buy-now-pay-later option. AI-powered chatbots are also an emerging trend. Through chatbots, banks assist customers with common questions. For instance, banks take advantage of AI to help customers quickly check their account balance or transfer money. The key to success here is making these interactions feel personal and less robotic, which helps build trust. For instance, Many banks now have chatbots that can help customers with things like paying bills, checking balances, and financial advice. These tools are smart and can understand what you say, so they can answer your questions quickly.

Trend 3: Better Banking Customer Experience 

Sphere IT helps banks by hiring and finding the best tech talent for them. By providing skilled software engineers, developers, and other skilled IT professionals, Sphere IT ensures banks can enhance their technological capabilities and improve their services. Since the recruitment task seems tiring and time-consuming for banks, banks connect with Sphere IT, which takes responsibility for hiring and bringing in the best talents, saving time and money. This support helps banks stay ahead, implement new technologies, and maintain secure, efficient operations. Sphere IT continues to grow and expand its client base across the GCC and South Asia, ensuring more banks benefit from their expertise.

Trend 4: Digital Banking Solutions

2024 is all about saving time. So, this year, you won’t have to wait in long lines or waste your time at the bank anymore. Digital banking now gives you the advantage of doing everything from checking your balances to transferring money and tracking investments.  This means banking can be done anytime and anywhere that too from easy-to-use apps on your smartphones. However, another trend that is gaining popularity regularly is digital wallets. You must have seen that when it comes to online or in-store shopping, you can use your mobile phone to make purchases. This is done by simply connecting your cards to digital wallet applications.  

Trend 5: Cybersecurity

The digital age can be a boom or bane, depending upon how much the customer is aware of and how the bank takes care of it. Banks have to put a strong focus on cybersecurity to protect customers’ valuable financial information from hackers. Banks are getting smarter and now they are moving on from the traditional password method to fingerprint scans or codes on your phone.  Banks rely on other companies for things like keeping your accounts online which are the weak links in the security chain. Banks are exploring how with the help of Blockchain they can secure and protect transactions and sensitive information from getting leaked. They are teaming up with companies and cybersecurity experts to learn from their expertise to stay updated on the trends in the sector and to be safe from cyber threats. 

Trend 6: Emotional Engagement in Banking

Emotions can make or break relations. So, banks must be extra careful as they try to bring loyalty by building emotional connections with customers. Banks can address customers by their names and remember their preferences. Also wishing them on birthdays, and giving vouchers on anniversaries, make customers feel special and valued. Customer service representatives are the ones who connect with the customers firsthand. Training them so that they can understand and show respect to customers will build respect towards banks too. Offering special perks and rewards to loyal customers shows appreciation and makes them feel connected to the bank.


The year 2024, is all about forgetting the paperwork and focussing on the personalised experience for customers. We will see Banks using AI for personalised services, focusing on hiring the best IT people, providing real-time solutions, collaborating with companies like Sphere IT Global, offering comprehensive digital banking options, and building emotional connections. These strategies will help banks create a smoother, more engaging, and secure experience for customers.

For inquiries and consultations, and to discuss how your bank thrives in the digital age, reach out to Sphere IT( or contact +97142853268 or send an email to

What Is Digital Transformation? Empowering Banks with the Right Tech Talent from Sphere IT


Table of Contents:
Introduction: From Digital Evolution to Finding the Right Tech Resource
What is Digital Transformation With Example
Skilled Professionals: Secret Weapon in Digital Transformation
The Future of Digital Transformation in Banking
  • Upcoming Trending Technologies and Impact
  • Impact on Customer Experience


Introduction: From Digital Evolution to Finding the Right Tech Resource

The world of finance including the banking sector is evolving fast, with no option than to focus on digital transformation. And as this shift happens, new tech tools become the need of the hour. Banks are building new digital tools and platforms (mobile apps, online banking systems) where Tech talent with expertise in software development, data security, etc. are necessary to keep everything running smoothly and securely. For that, you need someone who is specialised in finding tech experts like software developers and cybersecurity specialists to help banks thrive in this digital age. In this blog, we’ll explore digital transformation, how it is changing banking, why tech talent is crucial, and how Sphere IT helps banks find the perfect tech team for success.

What is Digital Transformation With Example

  • It is bringing the digital technologies together into all areas of a business. Eg. your banks offer mobile banking apps. These mobile apps make your work easier and faster. How? For example, you want to deposit a check in the bank. Now you can deposit it electronically unlike earlier by just clicking a picture of the check.
  • Through digital transformation, businesses keep on updating their technology continuously and adopt it into their work to improve services and performance.

Skilled Professionals: Secret Weapon in Digital Transformation

  • Skilled resources, be it banking or any other company in the financial sector, are essential for implementing and managing digital transformation processes.

  • They bring expertise in various technologies, ensuring smooth integration and best performance.

  • Their knowledge and skills help banks stay competitive and adapt to changing market demands.

  • In today’s digital world, people expect their bank to “know” them. Technical people with data analysis skills can analyse the bank’s customer data to understand spending habits.
  • They help banks analyse large volumes of data to anticipate customer needs and market trends and help banks make informed, data-driven decisions.
  • These resources help the bank design and build innovative digital banking solutions.
  • They help to develop and maintain mobile apps, online banking platforms, and other digital interfaces.
  • They ensure the seamless integration of new technologies, meaning that new technology works well with current systems and platforms.
  • Implement advanced measures to protect sensitive information.
  • Maintain and upgrade IT infrastructure to support digital initiatives.

Tech Proof Banks with Sphere IT

  • The first step is to understand the Bank’s needs, like Sphere IT studies what are the specific skills and expertise banks require.
  • Then Sphere IT starts with the sourcing to find and evaluate the best tech professionals.
  • Here, matching candidates with Bank-Specific Requirements is quite necessary. Sphere IT creates perfect matches for Banks ensuring the right candidate as per the bank needs.
  • They handle the entire hiring process from start to finish. Banks do not have to worry about getting the right candidate with the skills they want. They can focus on their core work while finding a good tech resource will be the responsibility of Sphere IT.

The Future of Digital Transformation in Banking

Upcoming Trending Technologies and Impact:

  • If you think about some of the highly trending and effective tech for this age, it is going to be Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, big data, and cybersecurity. They will change how this sector, especially banking operates.
  • Looking at the needs of the digital age people, the technology focus will be on making banking faster, safer, and more customer-friendly.
  • More use of chatbots powered by AI will answer your queries 24/7. Plus, advanced fraud detection systems will keep your money safe from fraudsters.
  • Traditionally, trade finance involves a lot of paperwork and steps between multiple parties, which is slow and risky. But Blockchain acts as a secure, shared ledger that the buyer, seller, bank, etc. can access. This record keeps track of all documents and steps involved, like invoices, bills of lading (proof of shipment), and payment confirmations. It speeds up the entire process and improves efficiency and security.
  • With Big Data, banks will be able to read more customer data to offer personalised products and services, predict financial needs, and offer targeted recommendations. It is a massive amount of information collected from various sources like transaction history, saving habits, online behaviour etc.
  • Based on this, Banks can recommend services that are perfect for your financial situation, eg. a special savings plan.

Impact on Customer Experience:

  • Technology is constantly evolving, and banks need to keep up with them! Tech resources are well-versed with the latest advancements in the field and can help them integrate new tools like AI chatbots for 24/7 customer service or blockchain technology for secure and efficient transactions. This helps the bank maintain healthy relations with customers and enhances their experience.
  • Loan approval happening in minutes instead of days!
  • New accounts can be opened entirely online, eliminating paperwork and long wait times.
  • Banks will focus more on hiring good technical resources to keep up with new technologies.


So, banks are going digital with new tools and ways to manage your money. But for all the digitisation and technical transformation, they need the best people, like tech experts, to make this digital world work. This blog showed you all about how Sphere IT helps banks find the perfect tech team so they can keep up with the latest and greatest in banking technology. As the future is bright and challenging for the financial sector, banks are all set to jump on board the digital train. So, be ready to witness the banking evolution which is to make everything faster, easier, and safer with a sprinkle of cutting-edge technology. It’s all about putting your financial well-being at your fingertips, with a touch of human help whenever you need it.

For inquiries and consultations, and to discuss how your bank thrives in the digital age, reach out to Sphere IT( or contact +97142853268 or send an email to

Next-gen technology transformation in financial services


Table of Contents:
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Tech
Blockchain Technology-Next-Gen Tech
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)-Next-Gen Tech
Cloud Computing-Next-Gen Tech
Big Data and Analytics-Next-Gen Tech
Cybersecurity Concerns-Challenges & Considerations
Regulatory Compliance: Challenges & Considerations
Skill Gap and Training
Future Trends- Quantum Computing
Future Trends-Automation In Various Fields
Future Trends- Internet of Things (IoT)
Future Trends-5G Technology & AI


The next generation of the financial world demands a faster, smarter and more secure environment. From helping you manage money better, to protecting your information, these new tools are changing the game of finance. With the traditional system, big banks have been around for a long time, but they were slow and clunky. Their computer systems are outdated, making it hard to keep up with the latest ways people want to manage their money. Security can also be a topic of concern, plus young age people who are used to technology might find these banks frustrating. And so there’s a need to transform the entire system.

In this blog, we’ll explore the way technology is transforming the financial sector, the advancements we will witness in the next generation, their impact, and much more. We will also explore how artificial intelligence and machine learning are entering many more areas of the financial world to quickly detect unusual activities and prevent fraud. 

Next-gen technology transformation

AI and ML Tech

Artificial Intelligence has changed the financial sector. Monitoring your transactions and spotting any unusual activities within, helps banks detect and curb fraud. To answer your questions AI-driven features like Chatbots and virtual assistants are available 24/7. For example, if you want to know about your account’s balance, instead of waiting for customer service, you could simply ask the chatbot. It will immediately tell you the answer.  Not just that but AI also analyses your data to offer personalised financial advice, such as personalised financial advice, making banking services more efficient and customer-focused.

Blockchain Technology-Next-Gen Tech

Transactions are secure as blockchain uses codes to scramble your information, making it super tough for hackers to steal. All transaction details are visible to authorised parties. So, those involved in a transaction can see exactly what’s going on, making tracking easier. Additionally, transactions are faster and more efficient. Today, the transaction is completed in minutes instead of days when you transfer money from Dubai to India.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)-Next-Gen Tech

RPA automates repetitive tasks, like processing applications or updating records, freeing up real people to answer your questions and give you better service. Banks use it to handle account opening processes.

Cloud Computing-Next-Gen Tech

Cloud services can easily expand with growing needs. If you need more storage for your money info, the cloud can easily grow bigger as needed. The cloud helps banks manage all their data storage and analytics securely in one place, reducing the need for expensive hardware or even maintenance.

Big Data and Analytics-Next-Gen Tech

Banks analyse large datasets to make better choices by understanding customer behaviour, like what loans to offer or how to improve services. This way banks or any financial firm will have a better understanding of customer behaviour.

Cybersecurity Concerns-Challenges & Considerations

  • Financial institutions such as banks handle so much information, be it account details or personal data. So, the need to protect all this information from getting leaked is of utmost importance.
  • Banks and other financial organisations use encryption, which means special codes to make your data secure and can only be read by trusted and authorised parties. However, regularly updating the codes and security helps prevent breaches.
  • Cyberattacks are not an unknown thing to people now and so ensuring safety is a top priority. They are on the rise and emerged as a threat to the financial sector. To swiftly identify and respond to threats, firewalls are used. Antivirus software is used to identify and eliminate such apps and software, hence limiting fraud access.

Regulatory Compliance: Challenges & Considerations

Institutions must follow strict rules to protect your money and make sure things are safe. Likewise, countries should make stringent laws to maintain trust among users. For example, in Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation makes sure that banks are extra careful with their personal information and keep things clear about how they use it.

Integration with Legacy Systems

  • Many financial institutions rely on legacy systems—older technology that has been in use for years. Bringing in new technologies when there are existing systems, can be challenging. 
  • When banks get new software, they need to make sure the new system can get along with the old one. It’s like needing an adapter so your new phone charger works with your old phone. This takes careful planning, a tech team who knows what they’re doing, and some adjustments to make everything work together smoothly.
  • Implementation in phases, where the new technology is introduced in stages, allows the team to test and adjust. Backup systems ensure that services remain available during the transition.

Skill Gap and Training

  • New technologies require new skills. Ensuring that employees are trained to use these technologies is essential for smooth operations. In the future Banks should focus more on offering workshops, online courses, and hands-on training sessions to help employees learn how to use new systems smartly.
  • In banks and even in other financial institutes, there may be a shortage of technical employees which will be in demand in the coming years. There’s a need to address this gap by either training the existing employees or hiring new people who are well-versed in the field.
  • Partnering with Sphere IT to hire the top technical team is one way by which banks can save a lot of time and effort. There’s a whole recruitment procedure, which is time-consuming and lengthy. 
  • Sphere IT, does shortlisting, interviewing and all the processes of recruitment for technical resources for banks so that they can focus more on their core business activities, such as improving customer service and developing new financial products.

Future Trends- Quantum Computing

Quantum computing which uses quantum bits (qubits) to process complex calculations could revolutionise areas like encryption and risk analysis, making financial transactions more secure and data analysis more efficient.

  • Future Trends-Automation In Various Fields

Routine tasks will be increasingly automated, allowing financial institutions to focus on strategic initiatives. As a result, personalised services driven by AI and big data will become the norm, offering customers tailored financial products and advice. Additionally, cybersecurity and biometric authentication advances, such as face ID or patterns replacing passwords, will enhance transaction security. In the future, this could lead to less dependency on traditional banks, enabling you to manage your money more directly.

  • Future Trends- Internet of Things (IoT)

It establishes a connection between common devices and the internet, perhaps resulting in improved management of assets and personalised banking experiences. For example; wearable devices provide real-time spending alerts or smart ATMs that anticipate customer needs based on usage patterns.

  • Future Trends-5G Technology & AI

The next generation of mobile internet connectivity offers faster speeds and more reliable connections. AI continued advancements in AI and analytics will lead to more intelligent systems which Improve customer insights, for better decision-making.


All these terms like AI, cryptocurrency blockchain etc. might sound new or fancy to you, but they are the future of the financial world. You get a basic idea about what the future holds in this sector. We have discussed the importance of next-gen technologies, including RPA, cloud computing, big data and much more. Considering all these, we can state that the financial industry has a bright future ahead. While there are challenges like cybersecurity and technical resources, these can be managed with careful planning and the right partnerships.

For inquiries and consultations, and to discuss how your bank thrives in the digital age, reach out to Sphere IT( or contact +97142853268 or send an email to

Gen Z Demands: Digital Customer Expectations in Banking


Table of Contents:
Rise of Digital Banks
What do Digital Banking Customers Want?
AI & Machine Learning
Blockchain & Crypto
Open Banking
Future Trends & Companies Role in it!


Do you remember the time when your parents used to stand in queues in front of the bank to get a simple task done, or maybe just to transfer money? Well, gone are the days when such things used to happen because banks are going digital now. With smartphones and computers, you can manage money from anywhere, anytime. But with banks evolving so fast, the customer’s needs are also changing. They want things super fast and simple. So what exactly are customers expecting from their banks these days? 

In this blog, we will touch on all the aspects of customer expectations from banks and why meeting these demands is crucial for banks to stay updated. Moreover, we will discuss how banks can reach out to companies like Sphere IT to identify and close skill gaps in the digital banking space. This means such companies can help banks bring together the right talent in the latest technologies, needed to meet evolving customer expectations.

Rise of Digital Banks

All-digital banks are the new thing in the financial world. They operate entirely online, letting you manage money from anywhere, anytime. SoFi and Axos Bank are some examples of such banks. With this, you can do multiple tasks like checking balances, transferring funds, and even applying for loans from your phone. Such banks are going to create a boom in the banking world in future as people these days want to manage their money on their schedule, not the bank’s hours. Catering to a new generation – these banks target tech-savvy customers who value speed. From opening an account to daily transactions, everything should be smooth and user-friendly.

What do Digital Banking Customers Want?

Have you ever thought about what a customer wants from online banking? It’s all basic elements like they want the Apps and websites to be clear, attractive, simple to use, and work well on any device – phone, laptop, tablet, etc! Instead of a one-size-fits-all strategy, any customer would want their banks to provide them with specific services and product suggestions that meet their needs. Furthermore, customers want round-the-clock access to and control of their accounts—not just during regular business hours. So, if you are a young man and want to save for the down payment on a house. A personalised financial advisor might recommend a profitable savings account and a budget tracker to help you reach your goal. They might also suggest investing in stocks or bonds based on your risk tolerance.

AI & Machine Learning

Want to save for your child’s higher education or maybe for any other major task? The AI could analyse your spending and suggest a savings plan according to that. The more you use your bank app, the more machine learning learns about your financial habits. This allows banks to offer personalised recommendations for products and services that fit your needs.

Blockchain & Crypto

Enhanced security keeps your money extra protected. Like using blockchain to create a secure history of your transactions. This makes it extremely difficult for hackers to steal your money. New options like cryptocurrencies are now coming up. While not yet mainstream, some banks are exploring how Blockchain technology could be used for secure and efficient transactions with these digital currencies in the future.

Open Banking

Connect your accounts from different places for a complete view. Open Banking lets budgeting apps see all your accounts, giving you a complete picture of your income and expenses. Not only this, but open banking lets you share your info securely with trusted sites. This could mean finding better deals or getting personalised offers for things like loans or credit cards – all tailored to you!

Future Trends & Companies’ Role in it!

  • Banks are exploring ways to make your transactions even more secure, maybe even using new digital money (crypto) in the future.
  • Banks are getting smarter with AI! This means getting help from a virtual assistant, personalised advice, and a faster, easier banking experience.
  • No password hassle. Fingerprint scans or even your face could be used for secure logins in the future.
  • Companies like Sphere IT help banks find top resources through a recruitment process. This means Sphere IT helps in hiring technical resources for the bank.
  • By working with Sphere IT, banks can be ready for the future, offering you a more secure, personalised, and easier banking experience!


Banking is changing with the people.  Everyone wants things fast, easy, and secure on their phones. So, banks have to explore options to evolve with the smartest tech to keep happy customers stuck around! We discussed how banks need help keeping up with the latest tech and companies like Sphere IT can be a guide, showing them how to offer the features you want. By working together, and understanding these needs of customers, banks can create a safe future of digital banking!

For inquiries and consultations, and to discuss how your bank thrives in the digital age, reach out to Sphere IT( or contact +97142853268 or send an email to

Digital Customer Service: How it is Revolutionising Customer Care


Table of Contents:
Then & Now: Digital Customer Service
How does the company offer digital services?
Easy Ways to Improve Digital Customer Service
Future of Digital Customer Service 
Challenges: Digital Customer Service


Have you ever wondered how digital customer service helps companies build a strong image by offering quick responses to customer queries? Let us understand this with an example. We assume that Pankaj is shopping for a new phone online, unsure which one to buy, and suddenly, a chat window pops up in the corner of his screen. He clicks on it, asks the questions, and gets some amazing suggestions tailored just for him. That’s digital customer service in action! You get instant and personalised assistance, and services that can create a better shopping experience for you every day. We will look at how this entire service for the customers has evolved, where it is now, and the difficulties it faces. Along with that, we’ll examine future trends in customer service, highlighting how it will develop and evolve through time.

Then & Now: Digital Customer Service

Earlier, unlike now, when you used to have some query or issue with the product or service,  you used to call a company, walk into a store, or write a letter. But today, digital customer service allows you to chat online, send emails, reach out on social media, or use a website’s “Help Center” for quick answers. This shift means you can get help online, anytime, anywhere,  making it far more convenient and efficient.

Digital service lets you get help online, anytime, anywhere!

How does the company offer digital services?

Let’s explore some common examples:

Service MethodDescriptionExample
ChatbotA small window opens where you can talk to an expert immediately.You visit a website, and a chatbot appears, ready to answer your questions in real-time.
EmailSend a query or issue via email and receive a prompt response.You email a company about a product issue, and they respond with a solution.
Social MediaCompanies engage with customers on platforms like Twitter and Facebook.A customer tweets about a problem, and the company quickly replies with assistance.
Help CentersSections of websites with articles and FAQs that address common questions.You search a website’s Help Center for instructions on how to return a product.

Easy Ways to Improve Digital Customer Service 

So, how can companies provide the best online help possible? Here are some awesome strategies:

  • Omnichannel Approach: Companies need to be present everywhere to offer good Digital Customer Service. To make the process of connecting to a customer easy, the company uses chatbot, email, social media, and even their website’s Help Center.
  • Personalised Approach: Treating customers with respect and making them feel valued is going to create a positive impression about the company. With the help of AI, companies can read the browsing history to suggest helpful information or answer questions customers ask!
  • Automated Approach: Companies use smart chatbots these days or automated features to answer basic questions and reduce manpower.
  • Feedback, Always: The best companies never stop learning. By asking customers for feedback, companies can keep improving their digital service and make it even better!
  • Outsourcing: Companies such as Sphere IT take the responsibility of hiring and managing technical personnel for banks, saving their time and money.

Future of Digital Customer Service 

  • You can witness the super-powered chatbots and virtual assistants that can understand your questions better and solve even trickier problems. Chatbots and virtual assistants will understand your questions in a better manner, leading to faster, more accurate responses to your queries.
  • Websites will become even more easy to navigate and smooth, offering self-service options that let you find answers and solve problems on your own, anytime!  
  • The future of digital service is becoming more personalised according to your preferences and needs.
  • Companies are constantly looking for new ways to enhance online support by making it faster, easier, and more effective. One approach is developing custom software solutions designed to the specific needs of their clients. These companies also provide ongoing support and regular updates to ensure the software remains effective and up-to-date, adapting to changing requirements and improving user experience.
  • Sphere IT can help companies identify the talent they need, from technical resources who are well-versed in AI and automation to specialists in building user-friendly mobile apps. It has a network of skilled professionals across the globe, meaning companies can find the perfect people no matter where they are located.

Challenges: Digital Customer Service 

24/7 AvailabilityIt’s tough to provide customer support all day, every day.Use AI-powered chatbots that can answer basic questions anytime, like an online store’s FAQ bot helping customers even in the middle of the night.
Over-Reliance on AutomationRelying too much on automated systems can make customer interactions feel cold and impersonal.Combine automation with real human support for more complicated issues, like using a chatbot for quick questions but having a human available for detailed concerns.
Complex Problem ResolutionSome customer issues are too complicated to solve with just digital tools.Make sure customers can easily reach a real person when they need more help, such as escalating a complex billing issue to a live agent.
Talent RecruitmentFinding skilled workers with the right tech skills can be hard.Work with experts like Sphere IT who specialise in recruiting top talent for digital roles, such as hiring a team of developers to create a new customer service platform.
Data Security & PrivacyKeeping customer information safe from hackers is essential.Use strong security measures and teach customers how to protect their personal information, like banks educating their users on avoiding phishing scams.


In simple words, digital customer service is about using online tools to help you as a customer, quickly. It includes features like chatbots that answer your questions, support you through email, help on social media etc. As technology improves, these tools will become even more innovative and more personalised, making it easier for you to get what you need. Sphere IT plays a vital role in helping businesses overcome these challenges, offering skilled professionals and innovative solutions to ensure top-notch digital customer service.

For inquiries and consultations, and to discuss how your bank thrives in the digital age, reach out to Sphere IT( or contact +97142853268 or send an email to

Take Your Business to the Next Level: Big Data Analytics for Digital Growth


Table of Contents:
Digital Transformation: Keys & Components
Big Data Analytics
Four main characteristics of Big Data
How Big Data Analytics Helps You
Digital transformation with Big Data Analytics!
The Role of Sphere IT in Driving Digital Transformation with Big Data Analytics



Companies are exploring new trends in digital transformation and the choices of customers with big data analytics to stay ahead of the trend. This blog will show you how big data analytics, combined with digital transformation, can be the secret recipe for your business’s success. We will discover hidden trends in the sales data to see which product is a hit and where you need to stress a bit more. In addition, we will explore how to use customer information to optimise services for them, ensuring that the right people receive the right sort of service. 

Digital Transformation: Keys & Components

If you run a business, let’s say a physical store of gift items for about a decade now. Till now you didn’t feel the need to transform your business model. But with businesses adopting a digital transformation model, going with the trend, you have a feeling of being left behind. So, you start with launching a website to showcase your products, make a social media account to connect with your customers, run promotions, and maybe start with home delivery!

In simple words, Digital transformation means using new technology and moving away from old ways to change how businesses operate to serve your customers. The steps would be;

  • Using new tools and software to make processes better.
  • Collecting, storing, and analysing all the information in the form of data to make better decisions.
  • Enhancing how customers interact with your company, making it friendly for them.
  • Creating new products, services, or business models to go with the trend and keep yourself ahead of competitors.

Big Data Analytics

It is the process of businesses using customer information to collect, store, analyse, and interpret data to make the right decisions that can benefit their company. Your gift shop is now online and every time a customer buys an item, the data is recorded electronically. This information isn’t just about the total amount spent but also includes details like which items were bought together and at what time of day purchases are most common, from customer purchases to social media mentions etc.

Four main characteristics of Big Data

  • Volume: The data is huge, having an enormous amount of information! This data comes from various sources like social media, sensors, transactions, and more.
  • Velocity: It’s constantly growing, for example, social media updates, online transactions, and real-time sensors continuously produce data.
  • Variety: Data comes in different forms, such as text, images, videos, and sensor data, making it challenging to analyse them using traditional methods.
  • Veracity: Not all the information is right, some might be a bit unreliable.

How Big Data Analytics Helps You

Use data to make informed choices about products, marketing, and operations. By identifying trends, you can figure out opportunities and challenges before your competitors. In the end, Big Data helps you invent new products and discover ways to sell them by providing insights into what customers want.

Digital transformation with Big Data Analytics!

Now that you have an online presence and using big data analytics in your business, you know what is trending and how to reach new customers while maintaining the loyal old ones.

Here’s how big data and digital transformation work together to supercharge your business:


Better Decision-MakingIt helps you make smart decisions by providing information gathered from vast amounts of data. So, you are not just guessing but using authentic information to understand trends, customer behaviour, and market conditions. This leads to smarter decisions that can improve the business.You must have seen big online retailers recommending products based on your browsing and purchase history, personalising the experience to target specific demographics and boost sales.
Improved Customer ExperiencesYou can get a deep understanding of customer preferences and likings, allowing for tailored experiences that keep customers satisfied and engaged.OTT platforms suggest new shows to users based on their viewing history, enhancing the user experience by offering content they are likely to enjoy.
Streamlined OperationsIdentifies business opportunities, trends, and challenges to improve efficiency and avoid disruptions in operations.Multinational retail companies use big data to monitor what products are popular, ensuring they always have stock to meet customer demand.
Fresh Ideas and ModelsNew technologies can help different companies create new products and services, making them more competitive and able to meet changing customer needs.A taxi firm, for instance, uses big data analytics to understand traffic patterns and instantly connect drivers with consumers to deliver a more rapid and reliable service.

In short, it helps you make better decisions, improve customer experiences, streamline operations, and innovate. 

The Role of Sphere IT in Driving Digital Transformation with Big Data Analytics

  • Suppose a bank is overflowing with information – all kinds of transactions, account details, and even social media. This is big data, and it can be a mess for the banks. Here’s where Sphere IT comes in! 
  • One of the major challenges that banks face regarding digital transformation and big data analytics is the lack of technical resources. You need a good technical person to drive all the changes in your company. 
  • No problem! Sphere IT provides skilled technical resources to bridge the gap, with a trusted recruitment process to get the top talent for you. This will help you develop a skilled workforce that can understand and leverage data and allow you to focus on your core business while the technical aspects of digital transformation are handled by them.


Big data analytics is the superpower if you are aiming for your business to go digital. You read how it helps businesses understand their customers at a deeper level, make smarter choices, work faster, and even invent new things. Even if you are a bank, you can use big data, to personalise experiences, streamline operations, and reduce risks. Also, companies like Sphere IT are here to help you with this transition. The experts from the company can be your partner in unlocking the potential of big data for your business. 

For inquiries and consultations, and to discuss how your bank thrives in the digital age, reach out to Sphere IT( or contact +97142853268 or send an email to

Future of Finance with 2024’s Fintech Trends


Table of Contents:
Embedded Services
Advancements in Digital Banking
AI and ML For Digital Banking Services
DeFi Growth in the Financial Sector
More Need for Cybersecurity in Fintech



With new technology emerging every day, the financial industry has evolved more rapidly than ever! So, do you know how fintech is contributing to this industry’s transformation? Financial technology, or Fintech for short, is an incredible experience. It covers all digital banks and lets customers manage their accounts online without going to a physical location. 

In this blog, we’ll be delving deeply into some of the most talked-about fintech subjects of 2024. Knowing these trends can be very helpful, whether you are running your own company or just someone who likes to monitor their savings! 

In this blog, we’ll talk about things including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, Digital Banking, Open Banking, and how companies like Sphere IT will be helping the banks in the Fintech Revolution with Technical Resources and Staffing! So, get ready to learn all about the future of finance!

Embedded Services

Expect to see it everywhere in 2024! More apps will offer these built-in financial features, making them a normal part of your daily life.

  • One of the biggest trends is embedded services. Let’s understand this by example. Suppose you are buying a new watch online on Amazon or Flipkart and getting an insurance plan for it right there, on the same app! That’s Embedded Finance. 
  • It’s putting financial services like loans, insurance, or payments directly into the apps you already use every day.
  • It is convenient as you don’t need to jump between apps! You can take care of your transactions in one place, saving you time and hassle.
  • By embedding finance, businesses can offer you services that fit your needs perfectly, making your experience even better.
  • This can help people who might not have access to traditional banks get the financial services they need.
  • Sphere IT finds and manages the tech experts needed, through a whole trusted recruitment process for the candidate as per the need and skill set, saving time and money.

Advancements in Digital Banking

  • Boom of Online banks such as Bank5 Connect, Quontic Bank etc, which operate entirely online. They offer a completely online banking experience and reduce the need to visit the physical branches. 
  • You can pay your bill or send money to friends and family faster and more efficiently using digital banking since it supports real-time transactions. This speed and efficiency have transformed the way we manage our money.
  • Banks use data to offer personalised financial advice and products designed to your needs. It is becoming common for banks to use data to understand their customers’ spending habits and financial goals.

AI and ML For Digital Banking Services

  • Whether you need help with a transaction or have any queries about your account, chatbots are available 24/7 to offer support. Chatbots for instant replies to your queries and assistance. Whereas Machine Learning (ML) helps in detecting fraud activities and preventing fraud if there are any unusual transaction patterns. For example, if an unusual withdrawal is made, ML can flag it immediately to you for further investigation.
  • AI analyses your online behaviour to offer personalised financial advice and recommend products. It customises recommendations to help you better manage your finances, whether it’s recommending a new credit card or offering a savings plan.
  • AI can quickly check your information, when you apply for a loan, and approve, or reject the application without needing a human to do it. Because AI and ML follow precise instructions, they make fewer mistakes as compared to humans.

DeFi Growth in the Financial Sector

In 2024, you can manage your finances without a traditional bank! Wondering how? 

Well, now you can borrow funds, earn interest, or even buy insurance –without a bank, all directly between you and another person. That too, securely. This is the Decentralised Finance/DeFi.

  • It uses the same tech behind cryptocurrencies to keep everything safe and trackable. Instead of just digital money, DeFi uses blockchain to create a whole new system for financial services. 
  • DeFi is open to everyone with internet access, so you can ditch the wait and manage your money on your own time. 
  • If you think it’s not secure, then mind you because every transaction here is recorded publicly, making everything clear and traceable. No hidden fees or mysterious charges.
  • DeFi cuts out the middleman (banks!), leading to lower fees and potentially better deals on loans, investments, and other services.
  • Innovations in DeFi in future will lead to the creation of new financial products and services, attracting more users.
  • Growing interest from investors will provide more funding for DeFi projects, accelerating their development and adoption.

More Need for Cybersecurity in Fintech

Fintech apps are super handy for managing your money, but in 2024, the need to keep your info secure is important. 

Do you know that Fintech stores a lot of data including your name, address, and bank details? And data leak is a major issue. As Fintech gets more popular, it attracts more frauds or hackers who try to steal information. They might send fake emails (phishing) to trick you into giving up details, or lock your data (ransomware)! Fintech companies use tech like AI and ML for digital safety and store their data in the cloud. In 2024, Keeping this online space safe is important by using encryption, so even if someone gets in, they can’t read it. 


So, 2024’s Fintech is all about convenience and security! In this blog, we discussed embedded service, cybersecurity, DeFi Growth in the Financial Sector and more of the Fintech trends. But remember, keeping your info safe is key! So, no matter how the sector is evolving, they will focus on keeping your data safe. IT Solutions and Services Company, Sphere IT can be your partner in this by helping with digitalization, providing software service and finding the top talent for your technical team. 

For inquiries and consultations, and to discuss how your bank thrives in the digital age, reach out to Sphere IT( or contact +97142853268 or send an email to